New Zealand audiophile electronics maker Perreaux publishes an occasional electronic newsletter to around 3,000 people around the world. I couldn’t find an archive of the newsletter at Perreaux’s Web site, but it’s easy to sign up on the home page. It doesn’t just boast about its own products, but includes some useful tips for the listener and recommends a few CDs best enjoyed through high quality gear.
Anyway, my review of Perreaux’s SXH1 headphone amplifier was recently published in Australian HI-FI, occasioning these remarks in the latest newsletter:
The latest edition of Australian Hi Fi magazine (Oct/Nov 2003) is out now and contains a well written article on the new Silhouette series SXH1 headphone amplifier. Reviewer, Stephen Dawsons’, strong emphasis on a measurement based review process is refreshing. Please open the attached link [197kB PDF — SCD] to read his well structured review. To find out more about the SXH1 product please click on the attached link. Do you like factual reviews? Writer Stephen Dawson is one of Australia’s leading freelance writers on home entertainment equipment: high fidelity, home theatre, the equipment required, and the software that it uses. I highly recommend his informative, no nonsense website.
Blush. As I emailed back:
I’m glad you liked the review, but the way I see it is that the review was good because the SHX1 is good.
Still, it’s nice to hear that someone liked my review. Especially the producer of the product under review. I’d say that this is what makes it all worth while, except that it’s actually the money the magazines and newspapers pay me that makes it all worth while. 🙂