Category Archives: Admin

Spam Art

The motivations of spammers are clear: they’re hoping to worm their way onto a blog or into someone’s consciousness in order to attract business. But why would anyone think that an attempted blog comment consisting of almost nothing but 1 … Continue reading

Posted in Admin, Misc | 1 Comment


That’s the number of spam comments for one post that Akismet has rejected from just one blog post buy levitra cheap , I see. All were (attempted to be) posted in the last eight hours. Something about the title or … Continue reading

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Canberra ‘Elite’ Cabs

Here’s a message that I tried to submit to Canberra ‘Elite’ Taxis this evening: Yet again the web booking system will not work for me. I enter the details Koupit Lioresal v Praze Buy Amoxil UK If you are selling, … Continue reading

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The end of a mini-era

I’ve been doing a column in The Canberra Times for fifteen years. Today is the last one. The paper is now owned by Fairfax, a company which seems to be trying to tighten its belt, so from now on the … Continue reading

Posted in Admin, Misc | 1 Comment


Every so often I clean out the spam ‘comments’ on this blog. These are captured very effectively by a plug-in called Akismet. Which is just as well. Because do you have any idea of the size of the problem? On … Continue reading

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I’m now translated

My woefully out of of date Dictionary of Home Entertainment has been translated into Finnish (with my permission). See it at

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Two3 many bits used to encode sound? I say yes!

A while back I analysed the lossless audio encoding of a few hundred Blu-ray discs. The aim? To find out how efficient lossless compression of 24 bit audio was compared to 16 bit. The results were not entirely unexpected. The … Continue reading

Posted in Admin, Audio, How Things Work, Imperfect perception | Leave a comment

Speakers, from the tiny to the tremendous

I’ve done some more stuff for One lot is seven sets of USB speakers for your computer. Tiny little things with a couple of watts of power available, at most. They’re not all up yet, but here are a … Continue reading

Posted in Admin, Testing | Leave a comment

Hope you like the new look

Actually, it’s an old look because it’s the WordPress Twenty Ten template, with my own minimalist graphic. A bit more spread out, and a little bit cleaner.

Posted in Admin | 2 Comments

Lots and lots of comments

The other day I mentioned that I had a political piece on the ABC website: Unleashed. That piece, called ‘The real defence exception’, now has 454 comments. Having a look through them was pretty instructive, I thought. Have a look … Continue reading

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