Well, yesterday I made some remarks about the new Toy Story movie. Last night I watched the original Toy Story on Blu-ray, and after not having seen it for several years, it still stands up very nicely, and looks gorgeous. Could this really have been the first ever computer-animated feature film? It looks far too mature for that.
As to the new one, I predicted that the IMDB front page score would fall — it hasn’t yet, but give it time — and that there would be both upwards and downwards pressure on the weighted score, shown on the Top 250 list. So far, the pressure seems to have been upwards. It has ascended to #11 with a weighted score of 8.8/10.
I still think it will droop a little over the long term, just on the grounds of having watched the scores of many movies doing the same. But, then, I haven’t seen the movie yet.
Someone who has, and who is always worth reading, is James Lileks. His discussion makes me think it may well remain right up there. Read his next blog post as well. The second half concerns the role of masculine role models in Pixar movies, and you can see why I love reading him. The construction of this section is brilliant.
I think I may have to take my 3D glasses to the cinema next week.
Update (23 June 2010, 9:35am): The front page has finally started to diminish (down to 9.3 from 9.4), while the Top 250 standing continues to rise (from #11 to #8), although the weighted score remains the same at 8.8, presumably due to rounding.
Update 2 (5 July 2010, 6:44pm): Front page: 9.1. Top 250: #6 on 8.9.