Monthly Archives: November 2013


That’s the number of spam comments for one post that Akismet has rejected from just one blog post buy levitra cheap , I see. All were (attempted to be) posted in the last eight hours. Something about the title or … Continue reading

Posted in Admin | Leave a comment


Next month the last remaining areas of Australia with analogue TV will have it switched off. That’s Sydney (3 December) Propecia Ohne Rezept Kaufen , Melbourne (10 December) and remote Australia (10 December). So how much does it cost to … Continue reading

Posted in DTV, HDTV | Leave a comment

One minute and fourteen seconds

Now here’s a useful little thing. Don’t know, as the title puts it, ‘How To Play An Audio CD On A Home Stereo System’? This the video at the link is for you. Seriously. Or so the maker of the … Continue reading

Posted in Misc | Leave a comment

Magic digits

I’ve just been thoroughly berated by the proprietor of a website called ‘The Advanced Audiophile Press‘. He (I assume) did not like my remarks on Peter Belt’s various nostrums for improving the sound of audiophile gear. I have responded to … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Imperfect perception, Mysticism | 6 Comments

The McGurk Effect

So what you hear can very easily be influenced — no , that’s not strong enough — determined by what you see: Counseling pathways on the cost of yielding their rare methodology and reading them about the symptoms … Continue reading

Posted in Imperfect perception | Leave a comment

The (black) magic of HDMI

Weird evening. I want to measure the frequency responses of some sound bars with a focus on the bass end. First problem, my M-Audio Fast Track Pro microphone pre-amp/DAC won’t work. My recording software tells me that there’s an incompatible … Continue reading

Posted in HDMI, Testing | Leave a comment

Farewell, Panasonic Plasma

Well, that’s it. I just received a call from Panasonic’s head of marketing. Panasonic is ceasing plasma TV production in December. I imagine all stock will be sold within a few months after that. Buy Kamagra UK The Medical … Continue reading

Posted in Equipment | 1 Comment