On Tuesday I went to Sydney, courtesy of Sony, to see Sony’s latest launch. I’ve written about it for Monday’s Canberra Times, with particular attention to the introduction of a 3D product line up in July this year.
But a couple of things didn’t fit in. First, of the 26 TV models announced, 18 of them use LED’s rather than CCFLs (cold cathode fluorescent lamps) as backlights. But only two models use a LED grid array for variable brightness control in different parts of the screen. All the rest use Edge LEDs to allow thinner panels, although three of these have some form of differential control for different edge banks.
The super thin 9.9mm model has gone, as have the other models which used a separate TV tuner and switchbox, and wireless communications between that and the TV. I suspect that this wireless stuff was a solution to a non-problem.