Category Archives: Imperfect perception

Another nail in the 24 bit audio coffin

24 bit audio resolution is vital in modern digital recording. And in mixing. And in processing. But it’s increasingly looking pointless in music delivery at the consumer level. I’ve previously reported on the inability of listeners to distinguish between high … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Codecs, Imperfect perception | Leave a comment

Is digital inferior to analogue audio?

Linn Products is a very famous UK high fidelity equipment firm. It really came to prominence in the 1970s in making the argument that the turntable had been overlooked as a critical component in the playback chain. It’s contribution at … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Codecs, Imperfect perception, Testing | 3 Comments

Magic digits

I’ve just been thoroughly berated by the proprietor of a website called ‘The Advanced Audiophile Press‘. He (I assume) did not like my remarks on Peter Belt’s various nostrums for improving the sound of audiophile gear. I have responded to … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Imperfect perception, Mysticism | 6 Comments

The McGurk Effect

So what you hear can very easily be influenced — no , that’s not strong enough — determined by what you see: Counseling pathways on the cost of yielding their rare methodology and reading them about the symptoms … Continue reading

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It’s not only audiophiles who fool themselves …

The most recent episode of Skeptoid deals with the subject of the superiority of Stradivarius violins. It has been an article of faith for many decades at least, perhaps even centuries, that these violins are the best and possess some … Continue reading

Posted in Imperfect perception, Misc | 1 Comment

Visual Field

If you’re ever inclined to think that the human visual system is perfect, like some kind of ultramegapixel video camera, then you should study this recent XKCD cartoon: Click and expand to full screen to use properly.

Posted in Imperfect perception | Leave a comment

It’s all about the context

In a post a couple of days ago I showed how easily the perception of colour can be shifted. The same applies the sense of lightness or darkness. Here is one manipulated position of the ‘Koffka Ring’. What’s interesting here … Continue reading

Posted in Imperfect perception, Testing | Leave a comment

Deceived by your eyes

In the previous post I developed some test patterns which I claimed consisted of pixel-wide red lines and green blue lines. To make things clearer, I tripled their size on the screen so that you could see the alternate lines. … Continue reading

Posted in 3D, Imperfect perception, Testing | Leave a comment

Two3 many bits used to encode sound? I say yes!

A while back I analysed the lossless audio encoding of a few hundred Blu-ray discs. The aim? To find out how efficient lossless compression of 24 bit audio was compared to 16 bit. The results were not entirely unexpected. The … Continue reading

Posted in Admin, Audio, How Things Work, Imperfect perception | Leave a comment

Burning In

Brian Dunning’s usually excellent Skeptoid podcast this week contains a blooper on the subject of burning in equipment. This podcast was a collection of short answers to student questions, one of which was: Hello Brian, my name is Julian and … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, How Things Work, Imperfect perception, Mysticism | 9 Comments