Category Archives: Video

Apple’s Slow, Slow Podcast App

Here’s a little video I did a couple of months ago on Apple’s Podcast app , and how poorly it performs. Speaking of poor performance, mine is pretty clunky. But I did it the easy way , using a smart … Continue reading

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Say no more

From the marvellous XKCD:

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It’s not just HDTV

In the previous post I noted that a poor job had been done in presenting a movie in HDTV due to its origins in SD. And then I had a look at a Blu-ray: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. First, I … Continue reading

Posted in Blu-ray, Video | Leave a comment


I’m planning on heading to Sydney early in the new year to catch The Hobbit in its high frame rate version. I’ll be writing something about it for Sound and Image magazine. Now Steven Novella from the Skeptics’ Guide to … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 2 Comments

Raiders of the Lost Ark Blu-ray quality: photography issues or encoding?

The other day I sent my review in to Sound and Image of Paramount’s magnificent new Blu-ray box set: Indiana Jones – The Complete Adventures. This has the four movies plus a disc of extras. In general it looks and … Continue reading

Posted in Blu-ray, Cinema, Video | 4 Comments

High Frame Rate cinema

A while back Simon Reidy, commenting on another post, wondered about my views on 48fps cinema. This has arisen because Peter Jackson previewed some of his forthcoming movie, The Hobbit, which is shot at 48fps, to a group of industry … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 2 Comments

3D display brightness

Reader Ryan has pointed me at a slightly old (in 3D talk, August 2011 is old) discussion of Active vs Passive 3D technology in Audioholics. Many of the points it makes are well founded, but it also demonstrates a misunderstanding … Continue reading

Posted in 3D, How Things Work, Video | 2 Comments

What is half resolution?

In previous posts on 3D I have discussed how passive 3D TVs are only half resolution because half the original data is thrown away. That no longer seems to be the case with LG TVs with a recent firmware upgrade, … Continue reading

Posted in 3D, Testing, Video | 1 Comment

Sharpness? No. Distortion? Yes.

I’ve been umm-ing and ah-ing for ages about upgrading, style-wise, some of the older parts of this site. I may well do so. That will involve turning them into ‘Pages’ within WordPress and organising them under items in the menu … Continue reading

Posted in Scaling, Video | Leave a comment

Edge enhancement: the Devil’s Work

In the next Sound and Image magazine I have a piece on the sharpness control in TVs. Specifically, it is a whinge about how many TVs come, by default, with this advanced to a picture-damaging level. I used Samsung as … Continue reading

Posted in DTV, Video | 4 Comments