Program content or broken equipment?

McGee on NCIS

I’m testing a whole batch of TVs at the moment, and have just reached the last of the six of them. One of the first things I do these days with a display is plug a Beyonwiz HDTV receiver into it. Why? Because if you hit the ‘Setup’ key, arrow down to A/V Settings, hit enter, and then hit the red key, the unit displays the Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) on the screen. This is useful information to have, for reasons I will write about one day.

Anyway, I plug it in and switch everything on and the above is the first thing that the TV shows. I have recently been dealing with a front projector which had a habit of losing sync with the colour and it produced results somewhat like this.

Happily, though, the explanation was nothing to do with misbehaviour by the TV. Apparently the poor old McGee character had somehow had his face marked during the course of that episode of ‘N.C.I.S.’. As can be seen by comparison with the unmarred skin of his colleague Abby.

Abby on NCIS

So how did I capture the first image if it was the first thing I saw?

That’s one of the nice things about the Beyonwiz personal video recorders: they automatically buffer the last two hours of stuff that they’ve shown, and if you decided to record something, you have the option of including the buffer.

So I spot the blotchy face. A lump settles in my stomach as I realise I’m going to have to criticise a product from a major brand. Abby’s face comes on and I realise that the blotches are part of the story. I feel better. I decide to write this Blog entry. I hit the ‘Record’ key for the PVR. I select ‘All’. And there we are, I’ve captured the video containing the two scenes above. I hit ‘Stop’. I hit the ‘File’ key. I select HDD. I select the one minute recording I’ve just made. I hit the ‘Pop-up’ key and choose ‘Copy to’. I choose ‘Network’, navigate to the write-enabled folder in my computer where I always send video from the Beyonwiz PVR, and hit the red key. The video copies over the wired network. Easy!

Posted in DTV, Equipment, Testing, Video | Leave a comment


I place quite a bit of weight on the ‘User Rating’ figure on IMDB. For as long as I can remember, the top three places have been occupied by The Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, and The Godfather: Part II, with the first two occasionally swapping places. As I write, The Godfather is slightly ahead, although both have a score of 9.1 on the IMDB Top 250 list. Both score 9.2 on their own home pages. The reason for the difference is that only ‘regular voters are counted for the Top 250 list.

When a new movie appears, especially a widely viewed one, it tends to overshoot a little on first entry and then more considered votes over time draw it down a little. For instance, The Simpsons Movie launched straight onto the Top 250 list with an eight-point-something. Within a few weeks it had fallen off and by now it has settled on a reasonable score of 7.7.

But what am I to make of The Dark Knight? After its opening day it already has 23,000 votes and a User Rating of 9.7! Even from regular voters it scores 9.5 and is thus on top of the list. It will be interesting to see how it progresses, and if it maintains the number one position. At the moment, 80.8% of the voters have given it 10/10.

UPDATE (Monday, 21 July 2008, 12:57 pm): Voting on The Dark Knight is now up to nearly 47,000. The User Rating remains on 9.7. The proportion voting 10/10 has declined slightly from 80.8% to 80%.

UPDATE 2 (Tuesday, 22 July 2008, 10:29 pm): The descent has commenced. Now with over 69,000 votes The Dark Knight‘s User Rating has slipped to 9.6 (it remains on 9.5 on the Top 250 list). The proportion voting 10/10 has fallen further to 78.4%. Mind you, nearly 95% of voters have given it 8/10 or better.

I haven’t seen the movie, but I do have to wonder: what’s up with the 2.2% who’ve given it 1/10? Using the ‘Hated It’ filter for user comments revealed quite a few thoughtful comments from those voting 1/10. I get the impression that the actual figure voted by these people was less a considered judgement about the film that a protest vote against its strong showing.

UPDATE 3 (Wednesday, 23 July 2008, 10:06 am): The descent continues: 91,097 votes, User Rating 9.5 (9.4 on the Top 250 list). The proportion voting 10/10 is now 76.8%. Those voting 1/10 is 2.6%. Older people seem to be less enthusiastic about the movie, as are IMDB staff and the ‘Top 1000 Voters’.

UPDATE 4 (Thursday, 24 July 2008, 9:52 pm): The rate of decline slows: nearly 105,000 votes, User Rating remains 9.5 (and 9.4 on the Top 250 list). The proportion voting 10/10 has fallen further to 75.8%, while those voting 1/10 has increased to 2.9%. My guess is that the movie will settle on 9.5, or possibly 9.4, at least for the next couple of months. It may drop again significantly after it is introduced to a new audience when released on DVD/Blu-ray.

UPDATE 5 (Friday, 25 July 2008, 5:17 pm): We are now at 115,000 votes and still the User Rating sits on 9.5 (9.4 on the Top 250 list). The proportion voting 10/10 is now 75%, while those voting 1/10 amount to 3.0%.

UPDATE 6 (Monday, 28 July 2008, 9:50 am): Skipped a couple of days. Now it’s Monday and the voting is at 146,000. According to Box Office Mojo ( , The Dark Knight made $US75.6 million at the US box office in this, its second, weekend. That was more than double the next place on the income ladder. The User Rating has slid to 9.4 (9.3 on the Top 250 list). The proportion voting 10/10 has slipped quite a distance to 71.8%, while those voting 1/10 amount to 3.2%.

UPDATE 7 (Tuesday, 29 July 2008, 12:11 pm): Vote: 156,000. User Rating (front page): 9.4. User Rating (Top 250): 9.3. The proportion voting 10/10: 70.8%. Those voting 1/10: 3.2%.

UPDATE 8 (Thursday, 31 July 2008, 11:53 am): Vote: 173,000. User Rating (front page): 9.3. User Rating (Top 250): 9.2. The proportion voting 10/10: 69.1%. Those voting 1/10: 3.3%.

UPDATE 9 (Thursday, 7 August 2008, 8:45 am): Vote: 207,000. User Rating (front page): 9.3. User Rating (Top 250): 9.1. The proportion voting 10/10: 66.2%. Those voting 1/10: 3.7%.

UPDATE 10 (Thursday, 6 May 2010, 3:20 pm [yes, over a year later]): Vote: 437,000. User Rating (front page): 8.9 User Rating (Top 250): 8.8. The proportion voting 10/10: 53.4%. Those voting 1/10: 3.6%. Position 10 on Top 250.

Posted in Cinema | Leave a comment

Site News

For a while I’ve been writing review of Blu-ray discs for Sound and Image magazine. I’ve started loading them onto this site at ‘Blu-ray Reviews‘. I expect to have quite a few up over the next couple of weeks.

Some time back I did a blog item about 1:1 Pixel Mapping. As I mentioned in that item, in the end I spun it off into a full article to be published in Sound and Image. It was so published, and now I’ve uploaded it onto this site at ‘Pixel Mapping, or How To Avoid The Beat‘. This makes it easy to provide an explanation when I’m trying to convince various TV distributors that there TVs could benefit from having this ‘feature’.

As I was explaining to one yesterday, it isn’t as though the TV has to do anything extra. All it has to do is implement and option to skip picture scaling.

Posted in Audio, Blu-ray, How Things Work, Video | Leave a comment

Wasting Digital Real-estate

Superman Returns Blu-ray coverThe excellent Blu-ray section of High-Def Digest is a frequent stopping point for me, especially its reviews. The reviews are usually pretty well done, but they do contain the odd error, often due to the difficulty of obtaining valid information in these early years of high definition video.

For example, in its review of Superman Returns, it says:

Warner gives us another 1080p/VC-1 encode, and it’s on a BD-50 dual-layer disc to boot. In raw tech specs, that gives it more room to play around in than its HD-30 dual-layer HD DVD counterpart. Picture quality-wise, however, it is another wash between the two formats. I picked a few scenes to compare fine details, including Clark’s visit back to Smallville, the fabulous “Lois rescued from fiery airliner” crash and Superman getting the poop beat out of him by Lex and the gang. Both the Blu-ray and HD DVD deliver excellent pictures, and I’d be hard-pressed to find any Superman fan who would be disappointed.

This is a perfectly reasonable supposition. We’re talking about a 154 minute movie here, so you’d reckon that you would encode the movie for maximum quality, given the space available. That means you’d do two encodes: one for the limited space available on HD DVD (30GB for two layers), and another for the greater space available on Blu-ray (50GB for two layers).

Perfectly reasonable, but entirely wrong. Certainly the Blu-ray is a dual layer disc, as is the HD DVD. And the HD DVD has the same content as the Blu-ray, plus a Dolby TrueHD audio track Blu-ray special features for Superman Returnsomitted from the Blu-ray. At an average of over 2Mbps, this must use well over two gigabytes all on its own. But here’s the thing. The entire content of the HD DVD version amounts to 27.48GB. While that for the Blu-ray version totals 26.92.

I’m going to assume that Blu-ray has slightly higher overheads than HD DVD, because to me it looks like an identical encode was used on the feature for both. I’m not saying anything is wrong with that. The picture quality looks pretty good to me. But I do wonder if it may not have been even better had an extra ten or fifteen gigabytes been devoted to the video, rather than being left unused on the disc.

Of course, you wouldn’t know that unless you had some way of examining the discs. I presently have an LG BE-06 Super Multi Blue disc drive plugged into my computer (no link on LG’s website for some reason), and this allows me to do just this.

I was planning to write a little about how packaging errors are creeping into Blu-ray as well, but in doing so, things suddenly got complicated.

Special extras: Blu-ray left, HD DVD right You see, there are a dozen deleted scenes on both versions of this movie amounting to about 16 minutes of run time all together. Both, according to the packaging, are presented in ‘1080p High Definition’ (see photo above from the Blu-ray box). But I noticed that they pretty clearly were not. In fact, they are presented in 480i. Not just in 480i, but in 480i30, so that two out of every five frames are actually composite frames made out of two adjacent film frames.

That was the point I was going to make. Silly Warner Bros, getting that wrong. But then the thought occurred to me: what about the HD DVD? So I checked, and its deleted scenes are indeed presented in 1080p24. In fact, the Blu-ray uses MPEG2 encoding at a fairly low bitrate for these in its 480i presentation, while the HD DVD uses VC1 at in excess of 10Mbps. The picture shows a photo of a section of one of the special extras. The part to the left is from the Blu-ray and that from the right is from the HD DVD.

So now I’m puzzled. If WB wanted to save money by just doing the one encode on the feature, why would it do a separate encode for some of the special features? Or did it simply lift the extras from the US special edition DVD? These all appear on Disc 2 of the Australian DVD release (in PAL format, of course).

This isn’t the only ‘Superman Returns’ packaging error. The back of the HD DVD says that the run time for the movie is 151 minutes when it is, as correctly stated on the back of the Blu-ray, 154 minutes. Even the PAL DVD gets it wrong. It says that the sound for the feature is in ‘English 5.0 & English 2.1’ when clearly they mean 5.1 and 2.0. They are only the things that kind of leapt out to me.

Posted in Blu-ray, DVD, HD DVD, Rant | Leave a comment

Foxtel picture quality

Dexter: Foxtel vs FTA digital TVI don’t have pay TV. This has been a problem at times because I haven’t been able to explore its capabilities very well. But the cost to benefit ratio is, to me, too high.

Over the years I have heard many criticisms of Foxtel picture quality. Without having access to it myself, it has been difficult to check. However last year someone kindly lent me a copy of the interesting TV show ‘Dexter‘. This had been recorded on a DVD+R from a Foxtel box using RGB output. The recording quality of the DVD+R was set to the SP mode, which means that a single-layer disc will fit about two hours of recording.

Now look at the picture to the right. At the top is a full frame towards the end of the premier episode of ‘Dexter’. Beneath it is a detail — without any scaling at all — from this frame. That on the left is from the DVD (ie. from Foxtel), that on the right from the SDTV broadcast. Note: SDTV, not HDTV. The broadcast standard — 576 lines — is the same for SDTV and Foxtel.

It’s pretty obvious that the free to air SDTV picture is much sharper and more detailed than the Foxtel version (see, for example the hole in the right-most foot. You can’t see this at all in the Foxtel shot). The colour is actually better with Foxtel. That isn’t evident from this, but from human faces, the red is a little pumped with the SDTV. Or perhaps not so much SDTV as the digital TV receiver I used to capture this.

The SDTV shot was a direct digital capture, while the Foxtel shot was after digital to analogue (RBG) conversion, and then re-encoding to MPEG2 for DVD. But my experience is that this whole process, while I object to it on principle, does not lead to really marked quality changes. So I reckon that the left detail fairly represents the lesser quality of Foxtel.

UPDATE (Friday, 11 July 2008, 10:06 am): I have struck out a sentence above. Since I captured the SDTV image from the MPEG2 digital video file which I transferred from the set top box to my computer, the set top box’s video processing capabilities had nothing to do with any overblown reds.

Posted in DTV, Video | Leave a comment

Disc Database

One of the things I’ve been doing since not long after the introduction of the DVD has been building a database in Microsoft Access of details relating to discs. I’ve added additional fields over the years to allow for bits and pieces of additional data in which I’ve become interested. That includes HD DVDs and Blu-ray discs.

This database is far from complete, with some records consisting of little more than a title and a year. For many of the discs, the records are quite detailed. For example, consider the Australian Blu-ray release of ‘Jumper‘. The items in my database for this title include:

  • Title: Jumper
  • Year: 2008
  • Rating: M
  • IMDB rating: 5.9 as at 3 July 2008
  • Duration: 88
  • Claimed Duration: (slick not available)
  • Distributor: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment South Pacific Pty Ltd
  • Mastering: Deluxe Digital Studios
  • Aquisition date: June 2008
  • Number of discs: 1
  • Layers: Dual
  • Disc size: 38.90
  • Remarks: Review copy, BonusView, Region B
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, SF, Thriller
  • Picture: Widescreen anamorphic, 2.35:1, 1808p24, MPEG4 AVC
  • Audio: individual record for each audio track, eg. English (Audio descriptive), Dolby Digital, 448kbps, 3/2.1
  • Titles: individual record for each title, eg. Disc Number 1, Side A, Title 3, Number of Chapters 25, Time 88:21, Skip Chapter Yes, Content Movie, Interlaced No
  • Subtitles: English for the Hearing Impaired, Italian, Italian (Text), Spanish, Spanish (Text), Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, English (Commentary), German (Commentary), Finnish (Commentary), Norwegian (Commentary), Swedish (Commentary)
  • Other features: ‘Jumping Around the World’ PIP feature; ‘Jumping Around the World’ non-PIP feature; D-Box Motion Code; Animated Graphic Novel: ‘Jumpstart: Jumper’s Story’ (8 mins – HD); Making-of featurette: ‘Doug Liman’s “Jumper” Uncensored’ (36 mins – HD); Featurette: ‘Making an Actor Jump’ (8 mins – HD); Featurette: ‘Jumping from Novel to Film: The Past, Present and Future of Jumper’ (8 mins – HD); Six Deleted Scenes (11 mins – HD); Animation: ‘Previz – Future Concepts’ (5 mins – HD)

I would be happy to make this data available on line for the 1,200+ DVDs, 100+ Blu-ray discs and 70+ HD DVDs I have indexed, but I’m not prepared to put the time into learning how to make an online searchable database. If any readers can do this, I’d be prepared to provide the data and host the database. Remember, the Access database uses its relational features, although often in a half-arsed unprofessional way (I did it myself).

Posted in Admin, Blu-ray, Disc details, DVD, HD DVD | Leave a comment

Disc Giveaway and swap

I’ve got some discs to give away, plus some to swap. Before getting to that, though, may I commend to any Australians: purchase Star Trek Season 1 on HD DVD from EzyDVD. This ten disc package, with over 1,400 minutes of content in the full 29 episodes of the first season, is excellent.

Especially if you have a HD DVD player. But even if you don’t, get it anyway. This is a HD DVD/DVD combo production. That is, each disc is HD DVD on one side and DVD on the other. The DVD side is in PAL format. The footage has been restored, and some tastefully enhanced with computer graphics. And while stocks last, it will cost you only $49.83 plus postage. The DVD box set is $99.83! I imagine it will eventually come out in HD again from Paramount — in Blu-ray — but expect it to cost around $250 when that happens.

Now, as to my giveaway and swap. I find myself with three HD DVDs to dispose of. All three are in their original shrink wrap and I’m happy to swap them for any HD DVD or Blu-ray that I don’t already have. The HD DVDs and Blu-rays that I already have are listed here. These are the three I wish to swap:

I also find myself in possession of two Blu-ray discs I’d like to swap for a Blu-ray other than ones that I already have:

Finally, I have three ‘Testmold’ Blu-ray discs that I wish to give away. These are proper Blu-ray discs that will work in any player, but are test discs and so don’t have the proper labels, boxes or slicks. Nonetheless, you will get the full HD movie and all the special extras. These are:

Email me at scdawson [at] if you’re interested. Australia only.

UPDATE (Tuesday, 8 July 2008, 1:58 pm): Strike-out applied to above items as they are disposed of.

Posted in Blu-ray, HD DVD | Leave a comment

Philips’ Digital Natural Motion becomes ‘Perfect’

I went to Sydney today for Philips’ new product launch. Of most interest to me were the new ranges of LCD TVs which will be rolled out over the next couple of months. There are three ranges — ‘good, better, best’ said the product manager — with the top of the range being the 9000 series. They had a demo set up with five 42-ish inch TVs in a row in order to demonstrate smooth motion. They fed a 1080p24 signal to all five via HDMI and a splitter box. One of the TVs was the new 42PFL9703D ($3,299, available next month) and one was last year’s model. Two were other brand LCD TVs, and one was an other brand plasma. The purpose was to illustrate how good Philips’ motion smoothing technology is.

Philips 29PT9418 4:3 Flat Screen TV Back around 2000 Philips introduced what it called ‘Digital Natural Motion’. Here’s what I wrote about it in my 2000 review of the Philips 29PT9418 4:3 Flat Screen TV. Note that 29 inch CRT TV then sold for $2,799, so after inflation this new true high definition 42 incher is about the same price.

… what it is that makes A Bug’s Life so different.

If you have this DVD, I’d suggest you stop reading right now and go to your TV. Choose the full screen side of the DVD and start the movie. Right near the start there is a medium speed ‘camera’ pan up over some mud flats to the island upon which the starring ants reside. You will notice that the cracks in the mud seem to judder down your screen, jumping by discrete intervals with each frame of the movie. Sorry, but after the Philips demo of this, I’ve not been able to avoid seeing this myself, an effect of which I had previously been blissfully unaware being so used to it.

The judder is not due to the PAL picture or TV representation, but to our own sense of perception being sensitive to a range of movement speeds that interfere with the 24 or 25 frames per second of film or PAL TV.

What I would like is for you to be able to watch this scene with the Philips TV under review. This has an option under its ‘Picture’ menu called ‘Natural Motion’. Select this and watch the same scene. The motion is silkily smooth. No judder at all. Quite incredible.

How is this done?

First, some background. A TV makes moving pictures by showing in succession 25 pictures (frames) per second. Each of these is made up of two pictures, interleaved line by line, so 50 separate pictures (called fields) are shown per second. This is your standard TV. An increasing number of high-end TVs are 100 hertz units. To reduce irritating screen flicker, these play each frame twice, so you end up with 100 pictures per second.

Now good old 50 hertz TVs had wonderfully fuzzy screens. Most nice new 100 hertz TVs have wonderfully crisp displays, as does this Philips TV. But the sharp focus means that the judder, previously concealed by screen fuzziness, is revealed. Philips new technology, ‘Digital Natural Motion’, instead of repeating each frame twice as in a standard 100 hertz set, calculates each intermediate frame as a new one, based on the preceding and the following ones.

This makes A Bug’s Life smooth. It works sideways as well, with one of the distant shots of the bikers in Easy Rider equally dropping all the judder (have a look around 19:12 into the movie).

This change is not subtle. But other effects are. First, a negative one. The processing seems to become a little confused when a sharply defined tan or black object moves across a diffuse green background, such as a person moving in front of foilage. This produces a subtle swirl around the edges of the foreground object, as though the air immediately around it is being heated, causing a lensing effect. An example of this is also in Easy Rider (see Dennis Hopper’s coat at 31:17). This appears only very occasionally, and is subtle.

Another subtle effect, but a more significant one in the longer term, has ultimately left me ambivalent about this processing. In short it improves the clarity of the film, making the visual representation ever so smooth. At some points it is breathtaking. In Easy Rider closeup shots of the characters taken in outdoor settings look, well, too clean, as though taken in the studio.

Why should this be? Well, consider the processing. Every second displayed frame is an average of the one before it and the one after it. Each real frame is a copy of the film frame. Each of these has film grain (especially on the 16mm film used for this movie), randomly distributed so the grain is different in each shot. The averaging of the intermediate frames removes the grain, so half the time the picture you’re watching is film-grain free. A welcome side effect is that DVDs telecined from poor quality prints, such as Blade Runner, lose a great many of the scratches and dust marring the film.

So why am I ambivalent? It isn’t the heat-haze effect. It’s the super clarity. Somehow it just seems too good.

Philips 42PFL9703D LCD TV Later I found a scene on a DVD that tended break up under Digital Natural Motion. Most of these circuits no longer break up on that DVD scene. But the similar circuits recently introduced by Sony and Samsung in their TVs (and it’s high-end projector by Sony) still produce the heat haze effect. All still make the picture seem artifically glossy due to that averaging.

Meanwhile, Philips has been progressively upgrading its circuit. In its earliest incarnation it worked with 576i signals, and that’s all. It has improved the processing and enhanced its capability to work with higher quality signals.

Philips has named its most recent version of this circuit ‘Perfect Natural Motion’. It is available in the new 9000 series TVs, but not the lesser models. Philips offers this meaningless statement: ‘The Perfect Natural Motion technology offers 500 million pixels of processing power.’ Um, 500 million pixels per second, per year, per millenia? And what does it do to those pixels?

Anyway, it’s results that are important. So, as I said, Philips showed a few 1080p24 clips. Several had fast camera pans which overloaded the processing circuits on all the other TVs, causing picture breakup or masses of judder as the processing fell behind, caught up, fell behind again, and so on. The new Philips one had none of this. None at all. The picture retained its clarity and detail as it panned rapidly down or to the side of the screen. The cost for this was that the picture was noticably delayed compared to the other TVs, perhaps by a frame or two. You should not have this mode switched on when you’re playing video games!

Recently I reviewed the Sony VPL-VW200 home theatre projector, an $18,000 full HD SXRD unit (Sony’s version of LCoS). This was the first projector I had seen which incorporates one of these motion-smoothing circuits. Here’s what I wrote:

You know something? I think this projector may convert me to this processing!

Okay, I’m still uncomfortable with the picture being processed in way that would not happen in the cinema. But the artefacts were rare, and the ‘sheen’ was minimal. The reason for this last is that with a large screen, the fine details are more visible anyway.

With a large display, as produced by a front projector, problems with picture judder are especially irritating, as are most other picture quality problems. I use a segment of the movie ‘The Fugitive’ on Blu-ray to help me assess a display’s ability to cope with 1080p24 signals. If you skip to precisely 50 minutes into this movie, the scene you land on will swiftly segue into an overhead shot of city, straight down towards the ground, with the camera panning over the building tops. If the display does not handle 1080p24 properly, then this will appear jerky as the building tops move from top to bottom of the screen. This projector does not appear jerky, so it handles 1080p24 fine, thank you very much.

Nonetheless, it is hard to see much detail because the picture still judders. You can see it move — kerchunk, kerchunk, kerchunk — from frame to frame because it is so sharply focused.

With this projector, when I switched ‘Motion Enhancer’ to ‘High’ (‘Low’ works with DVD resolution material, but complex material at 1080p resolution seemed to require ‘High’), the buildings were suddenly moving smoothly down the screen. By moving smoothly, the projector made it possible to see, during the few seconds of their passage, all the detail which had previously been obscured by that judder. As my eldest daughter remarked when I demonstrated the effect to her, it was as though the image had been switched to high definition.

In that scene, there was a little distortion on some fine picture detail, presumably because of ambiguity in matching the details between frames to create new frames. Still, this process reveals far more than it conceals.

That was similar to what the ‘Perfect Natural Motion’ processing did on the Philips TV I was watching today.

I should be reviewing one within a few weeks. I cannot be entirely confident of performance until I can use my own test material. But this TV is looking very promising indeed.

Now, all they need to do is work out a way to reinsert film grain and other irregularities to avoid the unnatural glossiness of the processed result.

Posted in Equipment, Video | Leave a comment

Okay, you can buy a Sony TV now

The Sony promo has started. If you purchase a full high definition Sony Bravia LCD TV in Australia during July, you can also get a Playstation 3 for free. Until, that is, 35,000 of them have gone. As I write, 34,253 remain. Details here. I just checked the link and now only 34,525 remain.

Posted in Equipment, Value | Leave a comment

Restored Godfathers

I’ve just received a press release from Paramount Pictures Australia announcing the release on 7 August 2008 of remastered and restored versions of The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II, and The Godfather: Part III DVDs. They will be available individually, and also in a five disc package with two discs of special extras.

The restoration was a painstaking affair. I highly recommend the article on this from the Magazine of the American Society of Cinematographers. Apparently the first two movies were in a pretty bad way. There are ‘before and after’ shots there to compare.

One of the most interesting points in the article is that it seems that the appearance of VHS is what prompted film studios to start actually looking after their films: ‘the home-video boom of the 1980s proved film libraries could have indefinite, lucrative lives. Before that awareness took hold, original negatives were typically used as printing negatives, which meant the original negatives for popular pictures took a lot of abuse.’

No word on Blu-ray yet, but seeing as how the restoration was performed digitally in the 4K format (ie. 4,096 pixels wide, and as many pixels vertically as required to preserve the aspect ratio), surely this can’t be far off.

UPDATE (Monday, 30 June 2008, 9:35 pm): My supposition was correct. I’ve just been advised that The Godfather will be available in Australia on Blu-ray on 30 October 2008. I am assuming that Parts II and III will be released at the same time, and maybe also the box set (presumably the extras will be DVDs, like the brilliant five disc Blade Runner box set from Warner Bros. I’ll advise when all this is confirmed.

Posted in Blu-ray, Disc details, DVD | Leave a comment