Do Video Bitrates Matter?

The Book of Eli Blu-ray, Australian on top, US on bottomWell after my little rant yesterday, how about something rather more positive?

The answer to my question in the title is: ‘Of course they do.’ The more important question is: how much?

My view is that once you get up to about 15Mbps for 1080p24 content, there isn’t much in the way of improvement available by going higher.

As a matter of principle, I also reckon that if the space is available, it should be used for a higher bitrate. Why not, after all?

It is difficult to judge whether my view is right without rigorous tests. These would ideally be double blind trials in which segments of both versions of the movie were viewed, in which both the tester and the people being tested don’t know which version is which, and in which the only difference between the two versions is the average bitrate employed in the encoding process.

But I do what I can with what I have. And what I have are a matched set of frame grabs from the US and Australian versions of The Book of Eli, a movie released in 2010.

Cinema Squid captured the US frames and I captured the matching Australian ones. And now you can take a shot at trying to see the difference between them in my new Blind Blu-ray Test: The Book of Eli.

Posted in Blu-ray, Codecs, Compression, Video | Leave a comment

Cable claim grading

I’ve been in contact with the Australian Skeptics about its $100,000 prize for proof of paranormal abilities.

No, I don’t have any such abilities.

What I am hoping is that they will extend eligibility to at least some of the weirder claims in the audiophile community. They are now considering this.

But I thought it might be a good idea to grade the level of plausibility of one category of claims: that different cables can affect sound quality in discernible ways. Obviously, and trivially, they can. A working cable will quite definitely sound different to one that has been severed. So the discussion must be restricted to cables in good operating condition, designed for the particular task. A cheap ten metre HDMI cable may well not carry 1080p60 video. But this results in obvious problems (signal dropouts, or even a complete loss of signal).

So, from the highly implausible to the totally ridiculous:

Loudspeaker cables: Clearly, loudspeaker cables can make a difference in the gross sense that really thin, high impedance cable can waste some of the power which should be used to drive loudspeakers. For example, if a long run of extremely thin cable had a resistance of one ohm, then it could waste up to 20% of the amplifier power at some frequencies with some loudspeakers (ie. those frequencies at which the loudspeaker impedance is at 4 ohms). This is rarely a problem these days since good quality low impedance cable is available for a couple of bucks a metre. Nonetheless, this is clearly a matter of degree. So the question is whether a human can distinguish at all the very subtle effects imposed by an expensive loudspeaker cable, compared to a modestly priced one. (Let alone whether those effects can legitimately described with the overblown descriptions often employed.)

I note that Randi has previously permitted such tests for the JREF $US1,000,000 prize. Nonetheless, if someone were able to reliably tell the difference between two sets of loudspeaker cables, under proper test conditions, then the likely explanation would be one due to a special sensitivity on the part of that person. I’m not sure whether I would admire or pity such a person.

So I don’t think that this should qualify. (I write this reluctantly, because I would like to use it to challenge such claims.)

Analogue interconnects: These are the stereo cables used to connect, for example, a CD player to an amplifier. These have the ability to affect sound quality also, I suppose, but this ability would be at least a couple of orders of magnitude below that of loudspeaker cables. The latter have to deliver a signal from an extremely low impedance source to a moderately low impedance load. Interconnects have to carry a signal from generally a high-ish impedance source to an always high impedance load (47kOhm is the norm).

A/V Digital interconnects: such as optical and coaxial digital audio, and HDMI. Here we’re talking about a stream of digital bits at reasonably high voltage, and so the signal is already pretty damned robust. To the extent that they fail to carry a specific bit, some error correction kicks in. Where redundancy fails, sample interpolation takes place. If a bit is missing entirely, then the results are not subtle. They can manifest as a click in the sound. They won’t — can’t — have airy-fairy effects on the ‘musicality’ of the sound. Anyone who can demonstrate a reliable, repeatable ability to pick between two competent cables used in these roles in a proper double-blinded test is demonstrating a psychic ability.

USB: which is becoming increasingly common. USB signals are extremely robust. They must be because they are an important way of communicating non-audio digital data, such as programs, photo files and so on. In these other formats, not one single digital bit can be permitted to go awry. When was the last time you had a corrupt file due to copying to or from a USB hard drive? Even hundreds of gigabytes of data are sent over regular cheap USB cables to hard drives and other devices at extreme speeds without a single bit of corruption. Cheap USB cables find digital audio a doddle. And if they didn’t the effects wouldn’t have that ‘airy-fairy’ effect on the ‘musicality’ of the sound. Anyone who can demonstrate a reliable, repeatable ability to pick between two competent cables used in these roles in a proper double-blinded test is demonstrating a psychic ability.

Power Cables: I have written about this particular insanity before. If you are pretty clueless about technical matters, you can fall into the trap of thinking that speaker cables, analogue interconnects, digital interconnects and USB cables might affect the sound. After all, in one way or another it passes through them. But the sound goes no where near the chunk of cable you used to plug your amplifier, or whatever, into the wall socket. And there is no way that anything that a (suitably specified and working) power cable does to the power supply would be detectable in the spikey, wavery, mess that we call our power system. Anyone who can demonstrate a reliable, repeatable ability to pick between two competent cables used in these roles in a proper double-blinded test is demonstrating a psychic ability.

Not that it’ll stop them from trying. The Australian Skeptics Challenge Coordinator drew my attention to this review of a $1,000 plus power cable. Yes, some 2,800 words of crap, opening with the claim that this cable’s performance somehow has something to do with Richard Feynman’s conception of quantam electro-dynamics. Feynman, possessor of one of the greatest minds of all time, and a man with little tolerance for loose experimental procedure, would be made furious by what follows.

But, apparently, this power cable is ‘is patently superior to the [$595] Original in every way’. And since the improvement of ‘the Original over OEM cords … was literally mind boggling’, the author should be confident in undertaking a proper blind test between the $1,149 Signature cable and a $5 regular one.

Somehow I don’t think he will, even if he can win $100,000 from the Australian Skeptics, or $1,000,000 from the James Randi Education Foundation.

Posted in Cables, Mysticism, Rant | 7 Comments

Crappy turntable could be cool product

Got to say, when I first saw this product, my immediate reaction was that it was a pity such a thing existed. The cartridge doesn’t look good, and would probably do some damage to LPs, and to use broadcast FM as a method of getting analogue audio out, well that would simply make things sound even worse.

But then I thought about it. What if you have a large stack of LPs which have tended to be played over the years on indifferent turntables, and now want to get them into digital format? Perhaps this gadget wouldn’t be a bad idea in those circumstances. Hopefully the bundled software includes some scratch and noise removal functions.

Posted in Analogue, Vinyl | Leave a comment

AnyDVD – get it while you can

Today is the last day on which SlySoft will be offering a lifetime subscription for AnyDVD HD. This is software for Windows computers that removes region codes and decrypts DVDs, Blu-rays and HD DVDs. I’ve been using it for years, and it has worked brilliantly. It just runs in the background, all day long, never causing any problems.

It was much cheaper when I bought my lifetime subscription (it’s typically updated every three or four weeks), but the Australian dollar is pretty good now.

You can buy it here. Lifetime for AnyDVD HD is 109 Euro, vs 63 Euro per year.

AnyDVD HD in action

Posted in Blu-ray, Computer, DVD, HD DVD | Leave a comment


I’ve got to confess that I sometimes think that Apple products are overrated (I’m a CP/M, MS DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows XP nerd from way back). But now, thanks to Santa, I have an iPad, and I’m still looking for significant problems with it.

Oh, I wouldn’t want to type a novel on it, or even a lengthy blog post. But the on-screen keyboard is surprisingly adequate (especially in landscape mode), and, anyway, I’m typing this post using the Apple wireless (ie. Bluetooth) keyboard.

Rather than typing this into the WordPress app, which tends to lag somewhat in the appearance of keystrokes onto the screen, I’m using the free app PlainText 1.3. This hooks directly into the file synchronising system and is very responsive. I shall cut and paste back into WordPress presently.

All I have to do, now, is get used to the keyboard conventions of an Apple keyboard.

Posted in Admin, Computer | 5 Comments

Looking into the black box

A young man of my acquaintance was given a very special present for his 21st birthday: a good quality stereo turntable and an amplifier. I wasn’t there, but I heard a lovely story about it. While they were trying to get it going, at one point they had no sound out of the speakers yet he was startled to hear the music directly from the stylus. He was amazed, having had no idea that the music was held as vibrations in the groove. (That’s shorthand. Of course, the grooves are merely a moving track that imparts vibrations to the stylus.)

He isn’t of a technical bent, so he wouldn’t be expected to know. What’s interesting is that I get the sense that for people who have grown up in the digital era, the audio (and, presumably, video) is considered basically to go into an impenetrable black box at the recording studio, and extracted from another black box (aka CD, MP3 file or whatever) at the consumer’s end, with no knowledge of what’s inside it.

Using vinyl, the most immediate of the analogue audio conveyances, sheds some light into the interior of at least one kind of black box.

Posted in Analogue, Vinyl | 1 Comment

Just about as dumb as an audiophile USB cable

Been away for a couple of days, folks. In my absence it turned out that the Power Balance Band isn’t capable of delivering the health and performance advantages so many people have attested to, at least according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Who’d have thought that subjective impressions might not stand up under tests with any degree of rigour?

Posted in Cables, Mysticism | Leave a comment

Blu-ray vs DVD comparison: Tomorrow, When the War Began

I feared this would be like Neighbours, with a little second rate war adventure thrown in. But it was surprisingly entertaining (although I had to make sure my suspension of disbelief mechanism was in top condition), and even a little moving. Not bad at all.

The comparison is here.

And here’s a sample:

Tomorrow, When the War Began

Posted in Blu-ray, Disc details, DVD | 1 Comment

Another Blu-ray vs DVD comparison: Great Expectations

Here it is. Here’s a sample:

Great Expectations

Meanwhile, I have an exceedingly silly movie — Good Luck Chuck — on a Testmold Blu-ray to give away. Content is same as a bought one, but no box or slick. First to ask in comments, so long as you have an Australian postal address.

Posted in Blu-ray, Disc details, DVD, Giveaway | 1 Comment

Animal Kingdom wins lots of AFI awards – comparison up

I’ve got to admit that I’m no great fan of Australian movies, even so-called iconic ones. But I really enjoyed Animal Kingdom, even though it was a little dour. The excellent plot was the key for me, while the performances and everything were plenty convincing. But acting hasn’t been a problem in Australia in recent years, whereas interesting plots have been.

Anyway, the Australian movie industry has given this one ten awards this year, so congratulations. To celebrate, I’ve put up a Blu-ray vs DVD comparison here. Here’s a sample shot:

Animal Kingdom Blu-ray vs DVD comparison

Posted in Blu-ray, Cinema, Disc details | 1 Comment