High Frame Rate cinema

A while back Simon Reidy, commenting on another post, wondered about my views on 48fps cinema. This has arisen because Peter Jackson previewed some of his forthcoming movie, The Hobbit, which is shot at 48fps, to a group of industry folk and hangers on, and apparently they weren’t impressed. Or so report physics.org and The Verge. The latter is interesting for the range of comments on the following thread, which stretch from sensible to significant misunderstandings of the issue. Meanwhile in the most recent Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe podcast, it is noted that the ten minutes shown had not undergone post production, so it wasn’t much of a valid test it seems.

Another term for 48fps is HFR, for High Frame Rate. Sometimes 60fps is offered as another contender for a new standard, but if Jackson is successful at 48fps with The Hobbit, this may become locked in. And it is far easier to reprocess 48fps down to 24fps with acceptable results than to do the same with 60fps.

As it happens, I wrote about 48fps over a year ago in the context of Jackson’s new movie.

As I’ve already implied, misconceptions abound. For example, the first body sentence of the physic.org piece contains a significant error. It says:

Unlike movies filmed at an industry standard rate of 24 fps, the use of HFR technology offers less flicker, motion blur and stuttered movement.

What HFR Does

In fact, HFR definitely reduces ‘stuttered movement’ — referred to here as ‘judder’, the elimination of which I’ve been writing about for a dozen years. Also HFR potentially offers less motion blur, but only if the cinematographer chooses camera settings and lighting that allow quicker shutter speeds. But HFR does nothing about flicker, at least if 48fps becomes the norm. That’s because even with 24fps film two bladed shutters were used to show each frame twice in order to reduce the sensation of flicker. Digital displays can have display timing set to whatever the particular projector’s specifications allow.

Not made clear in the articles is that blur reduction

, if so chosen by by the movie makers, is perceived as greater detail and sharpness during movement.

My thoughts on it are that 48fps is good thing. 96fps would be even better (although with diminishing returns). Beyond that, probably no visible difference. But that’s because my default position is that the purpose of home entertainment equipment (and, by extension, cinematic equipment) is to represent the performance as accurately as possible.

48fps coexisting with 24fps

Furthermore, 48fps provides greater cinematic capabilities. For example, from time to time you see a conventional movie drop back into half-speed slow motion for a moment, primarily to dwell on a character or to strike an emotional note in the narrative. And you always see the 12fps judder resulting from this. If 48fps were the norm, then the film makers could drop back to 24fps (ie. repeat each frame in a sequence) with far less apparent judder. In these days of cinematic digital post production, they may even choose to interpolate new frames, and at 48fps any defects in that process would be considerably less apparent than at 24fps.

The point that 24fps film has a certain look that may be desired for artistic reasons is well taken. Indeed, sometimes in TV dodgy techniques are used to recreate that look, even at the cost of picture resolution and clarity.

But here’s the thing: if 48fps becomes common, 24fps will still be available to filmmakers. All they need to do is set their equipment to that speed. It will play back on digital equipment at that speed. If there is still film around, the 48fps equipment will still support 24fps. Let the market decide!

Problems with 48fps

There are two problems with 48fps, though. First, downconverting 48fps to 24fps will likely make judder worse. Because there will be less motion blur in the source, creating 24fps naively by dropping every second frame will result in excessively sharp items moving, and generating perceptible judder.

The way around this would be in final digital rendering to add artificial motion blur to versions intended for 24fps display, perhaps simply by bleeding one of the frames into the other, although this might actually result in more motion blur than is required.

Remember, for any give frame rate there is a a trade-off between motion blur and judder. But at a certain level of blur the judder becomes, at least consciously, imperceptible. Going beyond that point with blur just softens the image unnecessarily.

The second problem with 48fps is that it is indeed most likely to sensitise more viewers to judder in 24fps material.

I noticed this myself when Blu-ray first came in. The first time I saw it at work on a big screen I was startled by the amount of visible judder. That’s because the early equipment worked at 1080p60, not 1080p24. So they had an uneven cadence of frames thus: 1122233444. However this was rarely remarked upon by Americans who had long been accustomed to this 24 to 60 conversion judder in their TV systems (in Australia and other 50 hertz countries, most movies were converted to TV simply by speeding them up from 24 to 25fps, so we were used to relatively smooth motion).

Likely non-problems with 48fps

Unfortunately most people’s exposure to progressive film at a high frame rate has been limited to TVs, and the results are not representative of what real 48fps will be.

Because what Jackson is doing is digitally filming at 48fps. What people see on their TVs is content shot at 24fps and converted on the fly to 48fps by means of amazingly clever, but still imperfect, processing circuits. What these do is take two frames and interpolate between them an intermediate frame. The very best of these circuits, and the only one I’d consider using for regular viewing, comes from Sony on its home theatre projectors (Mitsubishi seems to use the same circuit on its LCoS unit). This smooths motion without introducing any artefacts (aka, picture distortion) that I can detect. The artefacts created by most such processors are a heat haze around moving objects, and a glossy sheen.

Obviously the heat haze is totally unacceptable. It is clear and obvious distortion of the picture. The sheen is a consequence of the interpolation process. Random grain in each frame tends to get averaged out by this, leaving scenes sometimes described as ‘waxy’.

Neither of these should be anywhere near as problematic with a full 48fps frame to presentation system. The heat haze is purely processing, so that won’t appear at all. There may be some reduction of random noise, simply because the random noise in each frame will persist only half as long as with a 24fps system. But all those new frames should have their own random noise, undiminished by averaging.

Go for it

So as far as I can see, High Frame Rate cinema is mostly upside, but with perhaps just a little downside when it comes to converting new content created with 48fps HFR down to regular 24fps. (Conversion of 60fps HFR down to 24fps would be a very different proposition.)

I reckon that has got to be worth it.

Posted in Video | 2 Comments

3D display brightness

Reader Ryan has pointed me at a slightly old (in 3D talk, August 2011 is old) discussion of Active vs Passive 3D technology in Audioholics. Many of the points it makes are well founded, but it also demonstrates a misunderstanding of the brightness issue. With regard to active 3D it says:

… but because the shutter effect literally closes off light to one eye at a time, the use of active 3D glasses is said to cut brightness significantly. With a drop in brightness comes less fine detail in coloration and shadows.

But this is actually misleading. In fact, in a theoretically perfect passive 3D system and a theoretically perfect active 3D system, all else being equal, the brightness would be identical for both.

In such a perfect active system, for sure the brightness would be half in 3D of what it is in 2D because only one eye is being exposed at a time, while the other is being blocked.

But in a perfect passive system, again the brightness would be half in 3D of what it is in 2D. The reason? In 3D the left eye can only see half of the display lines and the right eye can only see the other half! (This is a separate issue to the resolution question.)

In both cases — and again, I’m talking only of theoretical perfection here — you get half the brightness that you do in 2D because both systems are filtering out half the brightness: temporally in the case of active, spatially in the case of passive.

So what could account for real world active systems being perceived as dimmer than passive ones?

In part, it is by no means anywhere near as clear as it was before because active 3D technology has improved

Koupit Priligy

, even for LCD TVs. But to the extent that it existed before, and continues to exist, dimness unique to active 3D technology is to do with switching.

I am going to simplify matters by omitting discussion of scanning backlights in LCD TVs and subfield pulsing in plasma. Indeed, I’ll leave out plasma completely at this point.

Now we know that it takes a certain amount of time to switch an LCD pixel from one state to another. Figures of 3, 4, 5, 6 milliseconds seem to be commonly claimed ‘grey to grey’ pixel response times. While milliseconds seem like a very short time, it must be remembered that a movie frame of a 24fps Blu-ray lasts for only 41.7 milliseconds, so that switching time is something like 10% of the total frame display time or less.

So to some extent LCD displays can smear detail over time when said detail is moving. This is partly addressed by such things as scanning backlights (they can blank briefly during the transition, for example), but isn’t that much of an issue in regular viewing for a least two reasons. First, most moving content is shot with an exposure time that in itself produces some smearing in the direction of the motion. So what does a little more smearing matter? Second, we aren’t that good at perceiving fine detail on moving objects anyway, so again we don’t perceive the smearing too much.

But the job of an active LCD TV has different demands. It needs to display the right eye information, and only the right eye information. Then it has to make that go away so it can display the left eye information and only the left eye information.

If any of the right eye stuff is still on the display (as the pixels are in a state of change) when the active glasses have blacked out the right lens and opened up the left lens, you will see crosstalk.

How to deal with this? Simple: when it’s time to switch from the right eye to the left eye, blank out the right eye lens … and leave the left eye lens blank as well! Leave it blank until the last vestiges of the right eye picture have completely gone, and only then open the left eye lens.

And that’s why active systems are darker than passive systems: each lens spends more than half the time blanked out. If LCD switching was instantaneous then there would be no need to have both lenses blanked at the same time, so brightness would be 50% of 2D, the same as passive systems.

But they aren’t, of course.

So how long do both eyes have to be blanked? Bearing in mind that the maximum display time for a frame sequential active display with Blu-ray 3D content is just 20.8 milliseconds?

That I do not know. My guess is that it would be in the range of 2 to 8 milliseconds. What I do know is that dimming is a sufficiently important issue that TV makers attempt to strike a balance between a long double-blank time to eliminate crosstalk and a short double-blank time to maximise brightness. And that is why active* 3D LCD TVs (and LCoS and LCD projectors) always have some level of ghosting, because the hit on brightness would be too great to keep both lenses blanked until it was completely gone.

All this reminds me that I’ve covered some of this territory, and especially active vs passive when it comes to ghosting, in an earlier post: 3D Crosstalk is Always and Everywhere a Timing Phenomenon.

(Note: when I say that 3D might have 50% of the brightness of 2D, I am ignoring the filtering effect of the transparent states or sections of the eyewear. In reality it must always be less than 50% for both forms.)

Posted in 3D, How Things Work, Video | 2 Comments

Free Blu-ray disc

Disc title in QR CodeWould you like a free Blu-ray disc?

First you’ll have to work out what it is from the code to the right. Pre-production disc

, with no label, box etc, but content is the same as the bought one. Identify it in comments and indicate that you want it. Australian postal addresses only.

Oh, if you want to identify it without claiming it for the extremely modest bragging rights available from this blog, then that’s okay too. After all, you might already have the disc. In that case, the next one to ask for it gets it.

Posted in Blu-ray, Giveaway | 2 Comments

It’s all about the context

In a post a couple of days ago I showed how easily the perception of colour can be shifted. The same applies the sense of lightness or darkness.

Here is one manipulated position of the ‘Koffka Ring’. What’s interesting here is that the grey areas marked A and B are, in fact, exactly the same shade of grey (RGB hex value #999999). But they sure don’t look like it.

The Koffka Ring
Go here for an impressive flash animation of the Koffka Ring.

Koupit Značka Cialis

Posted in Imperfect perception, Testing | Leave a comment

Details, 3D details

In comments Gregory suggested that a proper test for resolution of 3D systems might involve such things as the perceptibility of really small text. I agree entirely.

And apparently such tests have been done. These are recounted to some extent in the decision by the National Advertising Division of the US Council of Better Business Bureaus.

You can read about one of the small text tests at Dr Soniera’s website. This is based on examining some text within a Blu-ray 3D presentation

, which is more or less the way I tend to do things. Dr Soneira’s evidence was adduced in the NAD’s decision to the effect that passive 3D TVs provide full resolution.

The other test was by a ‘clinical research study’ by Drs Martin Banks and Joohwan Kim entitled ‘Spatial Resolution of Temporally and Spatially Interlaced Televisions’. Now it turns out that Dr Banks runs something called the Visual Space Perception Laboratory at the University of California, Berkely. Perhaps I’m misinterpreting, but it’s hard to see Dr Banks’ qualifications as anything other that impressive for conducting this kind of study.

What follows is taken from the NAD’s decision, and is thus filtered through the NAD’s paraphrasing. Here’s what Samsung claimed:

Samsung provided nine separate reports showing that the images delivered by passive 3D televisions were measurably and visibly less detailed than those provided by active 3D televisions. In addition to the Samsung Korea, Intertek and Underwriters Labs (“U.L.”) reports, Samsung provided the report of a clinical research study by Drs. Martin Banks and Joohwan Kim (“Banks report”), and a comparison of Samsung and LG 3D display resolution by Joe Kane (“Kane report”). Samsung also provided published, third-party reports from expert reviewers at Consumers Union, HDTVTest.com, CNET.com, and TrustedReviews.com. All of these reports and reviews, without exception, state that the evaluated passive 3D televisions delivered less detailed 3D images than active 3D televisions (i.e., delivered only a maximum of 540 vertical scan lines to each eye when in 3D mode) but that active 3D delivers 1920x1080p to each eye in 3D mode. All of them attributed the loss of detail with passive 3D to the spatial interlacing method used by passive 3D televisions to display the respective 2D images to each eye, which inarguably cut the source resolution in half.

Focusing on the Banks report:

Samsung’s expert, Dr. Martin Banks, Professor of Vision Science at the University of California at Berkeley, explained that the two half-resolution images created by passive 3D technology are not recombined in the brain to create a full resolution image, as claimed by Dr. Soneira. Dr. Banks’ research demonstrates that the effective human visual resolution of the Samsung active shutter system is equal to the full resolution of the television because both eyes receive information from all the pixels in the television. Dr. Banks’ study shows that LG’s passive 3D approach achieves only half resolution to each eye and that there is no way the binocular image could have more than half resolution vertically. Thus, Dr. Banks concludes, the “effective spatial resolution is higher with the temporally interlaced Samsung television than with the spatially interlaced LG television except at long viewing distance (six times picture height) where the effective resolutions are the same.”

Soneira had a go at Banks’ methodology:

Insofar as Dr. Soneira criticized Dr. Banks’ research by arguing that it utilized “artifical” 3D content, Dr. Banks responded that the “letter acuity test” he used in his study is a worldwide standard for optometrists, ophthalmologists and motor vehicle departments to assess visual acuity. Indeed, he stated that it is much more accurate to use a letter-acuity test, with high contrast lettering of a standard font, to assess display resolution differences because it controls for artifacts that could be inherent to consumer 3D video content. Further, it is a non-biased methodology that removes any potential bias or variability, unlike the Soneira’s testing which relied on the test administrator to select visible text within a consumer video on an ad hoc basis.

Dr. Soneira further criticized Dr. Banks’ research for requiring participants to guess what letter they think they saw after seeing it for 600 msec, Samsung countered that this criticism is unfounded and is based on a lack of understanding of consumer testing methodology. The use of a forced-choice methodology in this study and even shorter durations than 600 msec. is standard in vision science (and other consumer testing). Letter acuity is unaffected by stimulus duration for durations greater than 400-500 msec. According to Dr. Banks, “[b]y forcing subjects to make a response even when they are uncertain, we can eliminate performance differences due to personality variables (i.e., the willingness to make a possible mistake) The issue at hand is the effective resolution of the TVs, not the subject’s willingness to make a response.”

LG responded to the Banks report by noting:

The Banks report, for all of the technological information provided, employed the use of visual acuity charts. While such testing might well be sufficient for visual acuity or other technical scientific discussion, insofar as it is offered for advertising claim substantiation (indeed, for superior picture resolution and 3D picture quality claims), it bears no resemblance to actual 3D content typically viewed by consumers.

It added:

The Banks report relies on a test methodology that has no relation at all to actual 3D content viewed by consumers and did not involve actual 3D TV content but, rather, employed the use of test charts — hardly adequate support for Samsung’s broad claims that its active 3D TVs provide double the resolution and superior picture quality over passive 3D TVs. Moreover, Dr. Banks purportedly found that Samsung had higher 3D TV picture resolution at distances of 1.5 and 3 times picture height — far less than the viewing conditions found in most households, as well as Samsung’s own recommended viewing distances (i.e. three times or more the height of the screen.) Indeed, Dr. Banks’ study failed to test picture resolution at 4.5 times picture height (a closer approximation of normal viewing conditions) and inexplicably jumped from 3 times picture height to the much farther 6 times picture height.

(My bold.) The bolded phrase is irrelevant to the current discussion (I for one tend to the view that LG’s 3D actually provides a slightly ‘superior picture quality’ in 3D mode, all things considered.)

NAD was persuaded by LG’s claims. I am not.

As I have noted elsewhere, one important reason for high definition is to allow you to sit closer to the screen so that it can occupy a larger angle of your vision, when compared to SD. If you are going to invalidate tests which suggest that you get more detail at those closer distances, then why even bother with HD? Of course if you sit far enough back from a 3D TV, any loss of resolution will become imperceptible.

Why Samsung recommends a viewing distance of 3 times the screen height I do not know. LG, with its current range, recommends that a viewing distance of twice the screen diagonal in 3D mode. Consider a 55 inch TV. Three times the screen height (Samsung’s apparent recommendation) is 2.05 metres. Two times the diagonal (LG’s recommendation) is 2.79 metres. To put in another way, LG’s recommended viewing distance is 36% greater than Samsung’s. Perhaps there is a reason for this.

I would note that I’ve just finished reviewing Sony’s Personal 3D Viewer headset. This purports to offer an image equivalent to viewing a 750 inch screen at a range of 20 metres. That’s the same angle of view as watching a 55 inch screen at 1.47 metres.

And that only offers a 720p display!

I have watched a lot of stuff on both active and passive 3D TVs. Fact is, at a range of 2.7 metres the same real world 3D content looks more detailed and somehow whole on my 83.5 inch front projection screen using an active DLP 3D system than it does on a 55 inch passive 3D system. That’s not to say that a Samsung direct view TV of a given size is ‘better’ in an overall 3D sense than an LG set. It is to say that that the vertical resolution as perceived by a real human being on a current model passive TV set is less than that available from a best practice active display.

In reality, I find ludicrous the suggestion that a passive 3D TV somehow offers full vertical resolution. It simply doesn’t.

Posted in 3D, Testing | 3 Comments

Deceived by your eyes

In the previous post I developed some test patterns which I claimed consisted of pixel-wide red lines and green blue lines. To make things clearer, I tripled their size on the screen so that you could see the alternate lines.

Now if your eyes work anything like mine, you will readily see that half the lines are blueish, but may doubt that the other half are red. They actually look purple. But it is your eyes that are being deceived. It is the purest of red available from a computer, with the RGB values of #FF0000. That is, the maximum amount of red, and zero blue and green.

Still don’t believe me? Here is the test pattern, but with the left hand side completely filled with the red. Copy this graphic and paste it into your graphics editor of choice. Zoom in and you will see that what looks to be purple is in fact as red as the large section at the left:

Proof that those lines are red, not purple

Or you can just use a magnifying glass to look at this pattern on the screen. The larger you make it look, the more accurate will be your perception of the colour. Moral: it’s unwise to fully trust your own eyes. Actually, the blue stripes are also distorted by our eyes due to their close proximity of the red. Here is the actual blue colour of the stripes:

The real blue 

<p style=Compra Doxiciclina Online

, so you can see it” title=”The real blue, so you can see it” width=”600″ height=”150″ class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-3697″ />

Update: Somehow I start this post writing ‘red and green lines’ when clearly I was talking about ‘red and blue lines’.

Posted in 3D, Imperfect perception, Testing | Leave a comment


Time to retune your digital TV and PVRs. It seems that a new station has appeared out here in the sticks. It’s called ‘WIN Gold’, and is honestly labelled on its EPG as offering nothing but ‘Infotainment’, although when I stumbled across it the station was running a fairly interesting retrospective/documentary on Crawford Entertainment. (Now it’s trying to convince me to buy something called the Oreck Air Purifier.)

Looks like the bitrate is pretty low. I’m obviously going to have to update my digital TV bitrate table.

Posted in DTV | 1 Comment

Passive 3D test patterns – working out how things work

So, in a rush on Friday I claimed that the new LG TV I was reviewing delivered its 3D signal in a particular way. I should specify my method.

First: an assumption. Necessarily my tests were conducted by providing the TV with a 1080p 2D signal and then using it to convert to 3D, using the side-by-side 3D process, which is the process used with 3D TV broadcasts. This is fully explained here. The assumption is that the TV uses the same line allocation methods with other forms of 3D as it does with this one. So far I’ve seen nothing to make me think otherwise.

So here’s what I did: I created a number of 1,920 by 1,080 still images in which every single horizontal row of pixels was different to the row above. For example, here’s a detail of one called red-blue:

Detail of red/blue test pattern

At first glance it looks like a solid purple block. But, in fact, it is a single row of red pixels, with a single row of blue pixels underneath, then a single row of red pixels and so on. Here’s a smaller detail of the same pattern, zoomed in to 300% to make it easier to see the row structure:

Expanded detail of red/blue test pattern

(I know

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, I know, the red lines don’t look red, and the blue lines don’t look blue, but they are. I will post later to prove that your eyes are lying.)

With the TV set to 1:1 pixel mapping, each of those pixel rows occupies on scan line of the TV. When I showed this on the TV — in regular 2D mode — and donned the passive 3D glasses, the picture on the screen was entirely blue to my left eye, and entirely red to my right eye.

Since the top-most row of the test pattern was red, and if we count that row as #1, that means that the left eye sees the even (blue) rows, and the right eye sees the odd (red) rows.

What I also needed was a comparison test pattern. This one is identical to the first one, except that the line sequence is red, blue, red … only for the left half of it. On the right half it is reversed: blue, red, blue … Here is a detail, taken from the centre top of the actual pattern, and zoomed in for clarity:

Expanded detail of red/blue comparison test pattern

Showing this pattern in regular 2D mode on the TV, and looking at it with the 3D glasses, to the left eye the left half of the screen is full blue (same as the first pattern), and (still with the left eye) the right half is full red (since the line sequence is reversed here). Through the right lens the left half of the screen is red, and the right half is blue.

Now here’s the thing: if we switch the TV to side-by-side 3D mode, the difference we see between these two test patterns will tell us what’s going on as far as which source lines are being used to create the output picture lines for the two eyes. If, for example, every odd line is discarded for both eyes, then we’d expect to see differences between the two different test patterns in 3D mode. Likewise if all the odd lines are discarded for one of the eyes and all the even ones for the other eye, then there must be differences between the two test patterns in 3D mode.

So what do we see? Well, here’s a photo of the screen of the TV showing the first test pattern. No glasses were used, so this is showing both left and right eye views simultaneously:

Photo of TV with Test Pattern 1 in 3D mode, no glasses

And here’s a photo under the same circumstances of the other test pattern (where the lines are reversed in the right hand view):

Photo of TV with Test Pattern 2 in 3D mode, no glasses

See any difference? Neither do I.

More importantly, there is no difference wearing 3D glasses. There is no difference between the left and right eye only views and these ones except for one thing: the ‘Pause’ and the text at the bottom right left were visible only in the left eye view since they came from the left hand part of the source. There are no differences regardless of other picture processing settings I make — in particular, switching TruMotion on and off.

Conclusion: in 3D mode each display line (remember, there are only 540 display lines for each eye) is created from a matched pair of odd and even display lines from the source for each eye. Since those odd and even display lines are always red for one and blue for the other, the result is always purple.

How those display lines are merged is perhaps unimportant. But two possibilities are rapid alternation — at far too high a rate to be perceptible — or electronically prior to display. I doubt that either choice makes any practical difference.

I repeated this test two more times, with alternating lines of red and green, and of blue and green. The result was the same: no difference between the two versions. It is clear that whatever has gone before, LG now uses a system in which all the source lines are used in 3D display. But whether the way in which they are used offers something like full resolution is another matter, which I address here.

(A note on colour: the photos of the TV came out quite a bit darker than this looked on the screen. I toyed with lightening the results, but thought the minimum of tampering better. Both pics were taken with the same manual aperture and shutter speed settings, with white balance set to ‘sunlight’. The only processing I did was to rotate clockwise by 1.57°, crop and resize to fit this page.)

Posted in 3D, Testing | 4 Comments

What is half resolution?

Resolution reduction animationIn previous posts on 3D I have discussed how passive 3D TVs are only half resolution because half the original data is thrown away. That no longer seems to be the case with LG TVs with a recent firmware upgrade, or with new 2012 model LG TVs.

As a building block towards greater understanding of the effects of passive 3D TV, I want to look a bit more closely at how presenting a picture at half the original resolution effects things subjectively.

Now look at the animated GIF to the right. I created a black on white graphic in Photoshop, with two hard slopes. Not too hard because I set Photoshop to anti-alias the edges. That is how I would expect movie content to be presented: anti-aliased. In the animation this graphic is labelled ‘Orig’. Then, taking this, I duplicated every second line as a naive half-resolution process. This more or less represents the effect of what one eye would see with the original passive 3D TV process: half the data thrown away. This slide is labelled ‘Dupl’. Finally, I took the original again and removed every second line, replacing it with a new line interpolated from the line above and the line below. This one is labelled ‘Interp’.

As you can see, the Duplication process introduces clear jaggies to the left hand slope, which is nearer horizontal, and less visible but still present jaggies to the steeper right hand slope. In the Interpolated version, the left hand jaggies are still present, but softened somewhat, while the right hand jaggies are almost entirely invisible, if present at all.

Here are close details of those three images, blown up to 300%, so you can see what the process did: left is original, middle is duplicated lines and right is interpolated lines.

Detail of resolution changes

A process with some form of vector recognition might do a better job on allocating the grey pixels to smooth the line, but that seems unlikely to be happening in a passive 3D TV.

What appears to be actually happening in the TVs which do 3D at 1080i is that the left eye sees all 540 left hand odd lines as a package, and then all 540 left hand even lines as package, shown one after the other on just one set of 540 lines. Likewise for the right eye.

The switching between the odd and even packages must be fast. There was no sense of flashing at all when I was closely examining the TV. The picture was rock solid. There was no flickering between lines either.

But let’s slow it down for a moment. I took my original graphic and created two versions of it. One had only the odd lines, each duplicated over the even line below it. The other had only the even lines, each duplicated over the odd line above it. This animation shows those two frames alternately:

Odd and even lines showed in alternation

Clearly there would be flickering unless the alternation between the two was so fast as to become imperceptible, either due to persistence of vision, or what we might call persistence of LCD status (ie. the change takes less time than the response time of the LCD pixel).

What would it look like in that case? I’d say that the two new fields — one with the doubled odd lines and one with the doubled even lines — would simply merge. I replicated this by pasting one over the other at 50% opacity. Here is an animation which switches between this new creation, and the original graphic.

Animation: Original graphic compared to the 1080i version

Let me repeat, the jaggie part of this was created by merging the repeated odd lines version with the repeated even lines version. There was no misalignment. Now we can see why jaggies still appear on the wings of dog in the menu of Cats and Dogs 2.

And here is the 300% zoomed-in point of this graphic of the doubled then merged odd and even lines version (right) next to a zoom of the original graphic (left).

Original graphic left, processed one right


, the title question: is this half resolution? It’s looking pretty much like that to me.

Incidentally, with the odd and even lines of each field effectively merged under the new processing system, then there is no way that the full resolution of the picture can be reconstructed in the brain. Both eyes see blockier versions of what they are supposed to see, and build up their composite image based on that, with no ability to extract the now lost detail.

Posted in 3D, Testing, Video | 1 Comment

Live blog: LG Passive 3D resolution

This morning a shiny 55 inch LG 55LM9600 (the company’s current top of the line model) turned up. I’ve installed it quickly. After doing the physical stuff I made it do a factory default system reset so the TV was starting from a clean slate.

Here I’m going to record my findings on this TV, primarily with regard to the 3D performance.

All my viewing of real 3D content will be at a range of 2.8 metres — double the screen diagonal in accordance with the manual’s instructions. Obviously I shall peer more closely at test patterns.

To start, I popped in the Digital Video Essentials HD Basics disc because on regular TV reception the picture looked a bit edgy. And sure enough the aspect ratio was on 16:9 rather than ‘Just Scan’, which implements 1:1 pixel mapping. I changed this setting. And the ‘Sharpness’ control was set to 25 on a scale of 0 to 100. There was clear ringing around the black lines of the test disc. Turning this down to 0 produced a smooth and accurate picture.

Then I popped in Cats and Dogs 2 yet again to check out its main menu screen:

Cats and Dogs 2 main menu

At the range of 2.8 metres, the jaggies on the dog’s wings were obviously visible and the dog’s fur was noticeably coarser with the glasses on, compared to the smooth and detailed look with the glasses off.

Incidentally, in 3D mode with the glasses on the line structure in the smooth background was visible at range of about two metres, but back at 2.8 metres it was completely absent, resulting in smooth backgrounds.

Sitting back at my computer now, a further 1.2 metres from the screen, the jaggies on the wings and the differences in the fur are just about imperceptible.

This disc has a Roadrunner cartoon on it in 3D, so I ran that, and the picture seemed remarkably edgy. I checked the picture settings and saw that they’d reverted to having the sharpness at 25 again, so I turned that back down to 0, and a much smooth picture resulted. This did little to change the look of the main menu, with the jaggies and course fur remaining.

Note: this was at the default setting for this TV (aside from the sharpness settings mentioned). In particular, LG’s TruMotion was switched on by default, set to ‘Smooth’, so according to LG the TV is doing its 3D at 540p for each eye. I shall now switch TruMotion off and see what happens.

Update 1 (10:05am, original post at 9:38am): Well, I went to the Picture/Picture Option menu and cycled through all the TruMotion settings, including ‘Off’. Something was happening because the TV blanked for the barest instant when switching between ‘On’ and ‘Off’. But what it was doing had no visible effect whatsoever on the picture. None.

Which is odd, because with TruMotion off the picture is supposed to be 1080i (that is, each scan line for, say, the left eye would display in turn the source’s odd and even lines for the left eye, rather than just one of them in the old system).

I cycled through with glasses on, glasses off, normal position, up close, left eye only open, right eye only open. There were no differences. Is the firmware up to date? The Product/Service Info display says that the ‘Software Version’ is 3.00.10. The Software Update facility checked for me, and there is ‘No Update Version Found’. So this TV is fully up to date.

Could it be that this new model TV is not subject to the TruMotion limitations of last year’s models? And that jaggies survive this anyway?

Update 2 (11:27am): Ugghhh! Lots of test patterns. Very difficult to interpret results.

But I am increasingly confident that what I am seeing with this TV at least is that all scan lines are being shown in 3D mode. That is, even though the left eye can see only, say, the odd lines of the display in 3D mode (when you’re wearing the glasses), each of those lines contains both the matching source odd line plus the even source line immediately under it. Invert for the right eye.

Whether these two lines are merged, or the display rapidly alternates between the two is unclear to me. Presumably


, judging by what LG was saying about the firmware upgrade for last year’s models, it is the latter. But if so, the alternation is so fast that there was no sense of flicker at all, so the net effect is the same as if the two lines had been merged.

Again, no difference at all was visible based on the TruMotion status.

Short of time, so I will recount another time the test patterns I used and why I think the results that I see indicate the above.

But even if I am right, the fact remains that — even though the 3D is brilliant — in 3D mode these TVs still do not display the full vertical resolution, regardless of what convoluted explanations may be deployed.

I will demonstrate that next week.

Posted in 3D, Testing | 1 Comment